When I was 8 years old, my brother married the love of his life in July of 2003. I was the Jr. Bridesmaid with a gorgeous white dress. On the day of the wedding, I was scared to death that I was going to trip down the aisle. I remember talking to Aaron an hour or so before the ceremony and telling him how nervous I was. He told me, “Autumn, if you trip and fall, I will walk off the stage, come get you, and walk you to the stage myself.” I felt so much better knowing that my big brother was there and would help me if I fell.
Aaron and I at his wedding
But there’s Someone ever better than my big brother Who will always be there for me. Aaron is now in heaven and can’t be there for me when I need him. But Jesus never leaves me.
The Bible says that Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 KJV
… and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
It may be hard for some to imagine anyone being closer to you than your own family. But family can fail us from time to time; yet Jesus promises us that if we fall, He will come to us, pick us up in His strong arms, and walk with us back to the right path that we drifted away from. What an amazing thought is that? Just the thought of Aaron coming to me if I were to fall and picking me up gave me so much courage and strength at his wedding. Our God promises He will do the same for us throughout our entire life, and He is always there when we need Him.
Live today with the courage and knowledge that God is always going to pick you up if you fall.