photo from Pexels
We promised to make date night a priority this year, and to take turns planning the date. I came up with this idea, and it was so fun and affordable. The whole date cost less than $15, so it is super budget friendly!
First, we went to 3 different restaurants and chose whatever we wanted off the Dollar Menu. We had 4 items at Taco Bell, 3 items at McDonald's, and Jr frosties at Wendy's 😊 Our 3 stops totalled to only about $10 🙌🙌
Our final stop was the most fun. We went to Walmart, split up, and had to find something for each other that was only $1. It turned into a race, and I won. 😅 It was actually harder than we thought! It was hard to find something that was only $1 that the other person would like. We kept running into each other, and we were both struggling! In the end, I found my gift first, paid for it and met Brian at the door when he found and paid for his. I got him a headlamp to work with, and he got me Dark Chocolate Fudge brownies 😅😋
We had plenty of food, a lot of fun, and stayed within budget easily.
What's your favorite date night ideas?