Our 2022 was pretty phenomenal and special… <3
Here’s a recap of our year…
Tough first couple months of the year….
Aunt Gwen <3
In January, Brian’s Aunt Gwen passed away. I was actually closer to her, helping her with the drama productions at Temple Christian School every year. It was a sad shock, and she is greatly missed!'
Brian and I visited Orlando for a few days. We visited SeaWorld! It was a nice little getaway for sure, especially as we approached the due date of baby #2 that we lost.
Valentine Masquerade
We also had our church’s Murder Mystery Masquerade Ball, which was very fun. My character was a femme fatale FBI agent, and Brian’s character was a very arrogant ER doctor. Both of our names included the color red, so we incorporated red in our costumes and dressed the parts!
Unfortunately, Brian’s grandma passed away just days after her 92nd birthday, rather unexpectedly. We are so thankful we got to spend her birthday with her and get pictures, and make memories <3
Brian’s deacon dedication
Brian was also voted into a deacon role at our church, Gospel Light Baptist Church in Sunbury, and the deacon dedication took place the last Sunday in February.
Pregnancy #3
ALSO on that same day…. We found out we were pregnant with our third pregnancy after 2 losses. Excitement and anxiety instantly filled our minds, not knowing what the next few months would hold, especially after the trouble we had last year.
Meet Lucy!
We got our first dog!!!! She’s a St. Berdoodle (a poodle & St Berdoodle), and we are her guardian home. She will be bred this year with a poodle! (So if you’re looking for a new pup, I can hook you up!) She’s so fun and Brian has done a fantastic job training her. She’s very sweet and wants to be everyone’s friend!
The first time we’ve ever heard a heartbeat <3
We started lots of doctors’ appointments this month, making sure all was good with baby. On March 22nd we got to see and hear our baby’s heartbeat… something we’ve never experienced <3
We had an appointment at 8 weeks and got to see our baby on an ultrasound, wiggling around and waving… what a precious sight!
We took a trip to the Poconos for a week with some of our best friends! Had to visit Scranton since we are fans of the show The Office! This is the sign that is featured in the beginning credits of the show!
Brian got me my own bow!
Brian took up bow hunting last year, and got me my own for our anniversary so that we can shoot together! It’s been so fun to have a hobby to do together!
We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary! We went to Cincinnati for a couple nights and visited the Eighteen at the Radisson revolving steakhouse, BB Riverboats Cruise, and Newport Aquarium.
It’s a BOY!
We found out we were having a BOY at our gender reveal party, which we had on our anniversary weekend. Made it extra special!
Celebrating what could have been.
Our first baby that we miscarried in November 2020 would have been turning 1 this year in July. In memory of that precious life, we had a little ice cream cake on what would have been it’s due date/birthday <3
We took a babymoon to Nashville! We had the coziest Air B and B which was perfect for all the resting I needed to do as I entered my 3rd trimester! We visited the Country Music Hall of Fame, Gaylord Opyrland Hotel, McKay’s bookstore, and more, including, of course, lots of yummy restaurants!
I had my baby shower at the same place we got married, which was so sweet. The theme was Twinkle Twinkle Little star, and it was so beautifully decorated!
We took maternity pictures after as well on the same golf course that we took our wedding pictures on!
November 7th, at 39 weeks and 1 day, Bradley Lucas came into this world <3
You can read his homebirth story here if you’d like! It was an absolutely amazing experience, and November was filled with baby cuddles and lots of learning as first time parents!
We are SO excited to celebrate our first Christmas as a family of 3.
Last Christmas, we should have been celebrating our first Christmas with our first baby, and also would have been pregnant with the second baby that we lost last summer. It was tough to get through the day, honestly. So that night, we decided we would start praying that we would have a baby by the next Christmas… and the Lord answered that prayer <3
Thank you so much for reading our 2022 in review <3 We pray for a blessed, healthy, and happy 2023!
~ Brian, Autumn, & Bradley