Creamy Squash & Red Lentil Soup


Creamy Squash & Red Lentil Soup


The perfect soup to sip on throughout the day to help mama emotionally and physically

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Servings: 8

This pureed soup has a slightly sweet taste and grounding properties that will be especially comforting on days you might feel teary or blue, and a generous amount of lubricating oil helps to remedy inner dryness and wind, soothing the nerves further.

This soup can be sipped on throughout the day.

Store in fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for up to 3 months

Pairs well with bread and can season with amino acids and/or nutritional yeast

Ingredients (high quality/organic when at all possible) & Benefits:

sesame oil/coconut oil- coconut oil is high in essential omega-3s, including lauric acid, a rare fatty-acid that is also found in breast milk, may aid in milk production




cumin and curry

vegetable broth

red lentils